

4.7.1. Teaching Appointments

UTC may hire non-tenure-track Teaching faculty members for specific teaching assignments; engagement in disciplinary scholarship and/or public or disciplinary service may be added to the terms of employment as outlined by the hiring college or department.

UTC uses the following ranks or titles for Teaching appointments:

Lecturer: This rank is for those who hold the appropriate degree for their discipline (or its professional equivalent) and who are appointed for full or part-time teaching. Teaching appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of one year or less.

Normally, those holding the rank of Lecturer will:

  1. Have a minimum of a master’s degree in the teaching discipline, or a master’s degree in another discipline along with professional experience in teaching discipline;
  2. Have demonstrated ability or potential as a teacher in the discipline;
  3. Effectively participate in service activities aligned with the department’s needs;
  4. Have demonstrated capacity to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues; and
  5. Effectively engage in professional development and/or research activities in cases where college or departmental bylaws identify these activities as an obligation of the position.

Associate Lecturer: Faculty members who have held Teaching appointments at the rank of Lecturer for four (4) years will be considered for promotion to the rank of Associate Lecturer, although a record of superior performance may justify earlier consideration. Teaching appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of up to three years.

Normally, those holding the rank of Associate Lecturer will:

  1. Have a minimum of a master’s degree in the teaching discipline, or a master’s degree in another discipline along with professional experience in teaching discipline;
  2. Have a record as an accomplished teacher in the discipline;
  3. Have an established record of effective service activities aligned with the department’s needs;
  4. Have demonstrated the ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues; and
  5. Have a substantial record of professional development and/or research activities in cases where college or departmental bylaws identify these activities as an obligation of the position.

Senior Lecturer: Faculty members who have held Teaching appointments at the rank of Associate Lecturer for six (6) years will be considered for promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer. However, a record of extraordinary performance at the Associate Lecturer level may justify earlier consideration. Additionally, those faculty holding Teaching appointments who were hired prior to the creation of the Associate Lecturer position in 2019 will be considered for promotion to Senior Lecturer after ten (10) years of service at any Teaching appointment rank(s). Teaching appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of up to five years.

Normally, those holding the rank of Senior Lecturer will:

  1. Have a minimum of a master’s degree in the teaching discipline, or a master’s degree in another discipline along with professional experience in teaching discipline;
  2. Have a significant record as an accomplished teacher in the discipline;
  3. Have an extended record of effective service activities aligned with the department’s needs;
  4. Have demonstrated a continuing ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues; and
  5. Have a substantial record of professional development and/or research activities in cases where college or departmental bylaws identify these activities as an obligation of the position.

Distinguished Lecturer: This rank is for those Senior Lecturers who hold a degree appropriate to their discipline (or its professional equivalent) and who have demonstrated excellence in teaching. Tenured faculty members within the academic department will evaluate and make recommendations for appointments to the rank of Distinguished Lecturer, in accordance with departmental and college bylaws. Ordinarily, this rank is reserved for senior scholars with established national reputations in their discipline. Teaching appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of up to five years.

All Teaching appointments are renewable subject to availability of funds, satisfactory performance, and staffing needs.

Each academic department shall establish more specific criteria for the appointment/promotion to Teaching ranks within the department, subject to the approval of the dean and Provost. The departmental criteria shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the criteria outlined in this Faculty Handbook and any criteria established by the college within which the department resides and shall be published in the departmental bylaws. Departmental criteria for appointment/promotion to Teaching ranks shall not be required, however, if more specific criteria have been established by the applicable college, and the dean and Provost have approved application of the college criteria in lieu of departmental criteria. College criteria for appointment/promotion of faculty members to Teaching ranks within the college must be approved by the Provost and published in the college bylaws.

4.7.2. Research Appointments

UTC may hire non-tenure-track Research faculty members to conduct research and ordinarily does not expect them to engage in teaching or perform public or disciplinary service as a condition of their employment. UTC may hire Research faculty members at any time to meet research needs within the various academic programs. Expectations of teaching duties and service may be added to the terms of employment. Research appointments are supported on extramural funding provided by research grants and contracts; therefore, the appointment periods correspond to the available funding.

UTC uses the following ranks or titles for Research appointments:

Research Assistant Professor: This rank is for those who have completed a doctoral degree or terminal degree appropriate to the discipline. Individuals holding such positions demonstrate an ability to initiate independent research and obtain external funding and have demonstrated capacity to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues.

Research Associate Professor: This rank is for those who have typically held the rank of Research Assistant Professor for four (4) years; have completed a doctoral degree or terminal degree appropriate to the discipline; have a good record of sustained scholarly activity and external financial support; and have demonstrated the ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues. Research Associate Professors have research qualifications and accomplishments consistent with those for appointment at the rank of Associate Professor.[1]

Research Professor: This rank is for those who have typically held the rank of Research Associate Professor for six (6) years; have completed a doctoral degree or terminal degree appropriate to the discipline; have a significant record of sustained, externally funded, scholarly activity that has culminated in national and/or international recognition among their peers; and have demonstrated a continuing ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues. Research Professors have demonstrated research qualifications and accomplishments consistent with those for appointment at the rank of Professor.[2]

All Research appointments typically will be made for a definite term of one year or less but may be made for a definite term longer than one year that corresponds to the available extramural funding for the research being conducted. Research appointments may be renewed subject to continued availability of funding, satisfactory performance, and staffing needs.

Each academic department shall establish more specific criteria for the appointment/promotion to Research ranks within the department, subject to the approval of the dean and Provost. The departmental criteria shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the criteria outlined in this Faculty Handbook and any criteria established by the college within which the department resides and shall be published in the departmental bylaws. Departmental criteria for appointment/promotion to Research ranks shall not be required, however, if more specific criteria have been established by the applicable college, and the dean and Provost have approved application of the college criteria in lieu of departmental criteria. College criteria for appointment/promotion of faculty members to Research ranks within the college must be approved by the Provost and published in the college bylaws.

4.7.3. Clinical Appointments

UTC may hire non-tenure-track Clinical faculty members to perform professional services and to provide instruction to students in a clinical setting. Faculty members holding Clinical appointments generally are not expected to conduct research or perform public or disciplinary service as a condition of their employment. However, expectations of scholarship and service may be added to the terms of employment.

UTC uses the following ranks or titles for Clinical appointments:

Clinical Assistant Professor:[3]This rank is for those who have completed a doctoral degree or terminal degree appropriate to the discipline and are licensed or certified to practice the profession. Individuals holding such positions demonstrate an ability to teach students in a clinical setting and have a demonstrated ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues. Clinical appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of up to three years and may be renewed subject to continued availability of funding, satisfactory performance, and staffing needs.

Clinical Associate Professor: This rank is for those who have typically held the rank of Clinical Assistant Professor for four (4) years; have completed a doctoral degree or a terminal degree appropriate to the discipline; are licensed or certified to practice the profession; and have demonstrated the ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues. Individuals holding such positions have demonstrated clinical and teaching abilities consistent with those for appointment at the rank of Associate Professor.[4] Clinical appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of up to three years and may be renewed subject to continued availability of funding, satisfactory performance, and staffing needs.

Clinical Professor: This rank is for those who have typically held the rank of Clinical Associate Professor for six (6) years; have completed a doctoral degree or a terminal degree appropriate to the discipline; are licensed or certified to practice the profession; and have demonstrated a continuing ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues. Individuals holding such positions have demonstrated clinical and teaching qualifications and accomplishments consistent with those for appointment at the rank of Professor.[5] Clinical appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of up to five years and may be renewed subject to continued availability of funding, satisfactory performance, and staffing needs.

Each academic department shall establish more specific criteria for the appointment/promotion to Clinical ranks within the department, subject to the approval of the dean and Provost. The departmental criteria shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the criteria outlined in this Faculty Handbook and any criteria established by the college within which the department resides and shall be published in the departmental bylaws. Departmental criteria for appointment/promotion to Clinical ranks shall not be required, however, if more specific criteria have been established by the applicable college, and the dean and Provost have approved application of the college criteria in lieu of departmental criteria. College criteria for appointment/promotion of faculty members to Clinical ranks within the college must be approved by the Provost and published in the college bylaws.

4.7.4. Faculty of Practice Appointments

UTC may hire non-tenure-track Faculty of Practice faculty members to meet instructional and research needs, with the specific intent of bringing practicing professionals into the classroom and research laboratories.

UTC uses the following ranks or titles for Faculty of Practice appointments:

Assistant Professor of Practice:[6] This rank is for those who have completed a doctoral degree or terminal degree appropriate to the field, are licensed or certified to practice the profession where appropriate, or have substantial professional experience. Individuals holding such positions demonstrate an ability to teach and/or conduct research based on their experience and practice in the profession and have a demonstrated capacity to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues. Faculty of Practice appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of up to three years and may be renewed subject to continued availability of funding, satisfactory performance, and staffing needs.

Associate Professor of Practice: This rank is for those who have typically held the rank of Assistant Professor of Practice for four (4) years; have completed a doctoral degree or a terminal degree appropriate to the field, are licensed or certified to practice the profession where appropriate, or have substantial professional experience; and have demonstrated the ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues. Individuals holding such positions have demonstrated practice in the profession and teaching and/or research abilities consistent with those for appointment at the rank of Associate Professor.[7] Faculty of Practice appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of up to three years and may be renewed subject to continued availability of funding, satisfactory performance, and staffing needs.

Professor of Practice: This rank is for those who have typically held the rank of Associate Professor of Practice for six (6) years; have completed a doctoral degree or a terminal degree appropriate to the field; are licensed or certified to practice the profession where appropriate, or have substantial professional experience; and have demonstrated a continuing ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues. Individuals holding such positions have demonstrated practice in the professional and teaching or research accomplishments consistent with those for appointment at the rank of Professor.[8] Faculty of Practice appointments at this rank will be made for a definite term of up to five years and may be renewed subject to continued availability of funding, satisfactory performance, and staffing needs.

Each academic department shall establish more specific criteria for the appointment/promotion to Faculty of Practice ranks within the department, subject to the approval of the dean and Provost. The departmental criteria shall be consistent with, but may be more restrictive than, the criteria outlined in this Faculty Handbook and any criteria established by the college within which the department resides and shall be published in the departmental bylaws. Departmental criteria for appointment/promotion to Faculty of Practice ranks shall not be required, however, if more specific criteria have been established by the applicable college, and the dean and Provost have approved application of the college criteria in lieu of departmental criteria. College criteria for appointment/promotion of faculty members to Faculty of Practice ranks within the college must be approved by the Provost and published in the college bylaws.

4.7.5. Adjunct Faculty Appointments

Individuals who provide compensated or uncompensated service to the instructional and/or research programs of UTC on a semester-by-semester basis will receive Adjunct Faculty appointments. Normally the dean, as a designee of the Provost and in consultation with the department head, will issue letters of appointment to Adjunct Faculty members listing their specific duties and compensation. In coordination with the Provost, each dean will be responsible for developing protocols appropriate to the college in order to insure consistency in Adjunct Faculty appointments.

Exempt employees of UTC may receive an Adjunct Faculty appointment in an academic department other than the employee’s primary appointment. Such arrangements must be approved by the employee’s supervisor and must not conflict with the execution of his or her primary duties.

All Adjunct Faculty members who teach must hold the appropriate degree required for teaching within the academic discipline. Adjunct Faculty members may supervise clinical experiences or assume other responsibilities within the guidelines set forth in university, college, and departmental policies. Individuals with Adjunct Faculty appointments are not eligible for tenure.

4.7.6. Visiting Faculty Appointments

Academic programs may invite Visiting Faculty members to teach, participate in scholarly work, or both within the program. The Visiting Faculty member shall have the professional credentials and level of education required of faculty members in the academic program.

Visiting Faculty members do not participate in the governance of the academic department. A Visiting Faculty appointment is typically for an academic year but may be extended upon recommendation of the department head and dean. One-year Visiting Faculty members are not subject to annual performance reviews. The Provost will issue letters of appointment to Visiting Faculty members. Individuals with Visiting Faculty appointments are not eligible for tenure.

4.7.7. Distinguished Scientist Appointments

Distinguished Scientist appointments may be awarded to individuals who contribute significantly to nationally and internationally recognized research (e.g., scientists employed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory). The salary of an individual appointed as such is paid by the individual’s primary employer, not UTC. A Distinguished Scientist appointment is typically for one year but may be extended by the Provost upon recommendation of the department head and dean. One- year Distinguished Scientist faculty members are not subject to annual performance reviews. The Provost will issue letters of appointment to Distinguished Scientist faculty members. Individuals with Distinguished Scientist appointments are not eligible for tenure.

4.7.8. Intercampus Academic Appointments

Intercampus Academic appointments are sometimes authorized when it appears that a faculty member at one campus has expertise that qualifies him/her for participation in the work of an academic department on another campus, and when the academic department has need for his/her services. The definition and extent of such intercampus participation is determined by mutual agreement between the faculty member and the respective department heads, deans and Provosts involved. In these cases, the following guidelines are observed:

  1. The appointment is normally without salary or tenure in the cooperating academic department awarding the intercampus appointment; tenure (if any) and salary continue to be linked with the faculty member’s home academic department (i.e., the department from which the visiting faculty member is coming).
  2. The department head of the home academic department recommends the intercampus appointment to the department head of the cooperating academic department following information discussion or negotiation.
  3. The appointment is made by the cooperating academic department subject to the approval of the dean, Provost, and Chancellor.
  4. The title of the faculty member in the cooperating academic department is determined by mutual agreement between the department head and the faculty member, subject to the approval of the dean and Provost.

  1. See Section of this Handbook regarding criteria for appointment to the rank of Associate Professor.
  2. See Section of this Handbook regarding criteria for appointment to the rank of Professor.
  3. Effective August 1, 2018, all non-tenure-track faculty appointments at the rank of Clinical Instructor will be converted to appointments at the rank of Clinical Assistant Professor.
  4. See Section of this Handbook regarding criteria for appointment to the rank of Associate Professor.
  5. See Section of this Handbook regarding criteria for appointment to the rank of Professor.
  6. Effective August 1, 2018, all non-tenure-track faculty appointments at the rank of Instructor of Practice will be converted to appointments at the rank of Assistant Professor of Practice.
  7. See Section of this Handbook regarding criteria for appointment to the rank of Associate Professor.
  8. See Section of this Handbook regarding criteria for appointment to the rank of Professor.


University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Faculty Handbook Copyright © 2024 by University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. All Rights Reserved.