

Except as otherwise permitted in this chapter and agreed upon between UTC and a faculty member, all tenure and tenure-track appointments will be for either one academic year or for twelve months.[1]

Academic departments shall provide their faculty members with the resources necessary to perform assigned duties, including office space, office and pedagogical supplies, support services, and equipment.

Academic departments should have consistent criteria for assigning teaching duties to all faculty members and should consider the views of non-tenure-track faculty members when preparing teaching schedules and other professional assignments.

Employment of relatives of a faculty member is permitted, subject to the restrictions set forth under UT Policy HR0115 – Employment of Relatives.

3.2.1. Criteria for Appointment to Faculty Rank

Criteria for appointment to faculty ranks reflect the rigorous preparation necessary for University teaching and research, the various service activities expected of the faculty members of a major university, and the diversity of missions performed by academic departments. For all faculty ranks, concerned and effective advising and counseling, where appropriate, is normally understood to be part of the task of teaching.

UTC has established the following general criteria that faculty members are expected to meet for the appropriate rank. Each academic department must establish its own metrics and standards for evaluating such criteria for faculty rank appointments within the department, and the department’s specific metrics and standards shall be published in the department’s bylaws. In regard to evaluation of librarians, “librarian” should be substituted for the word “teacher.”

  1. An Assistant Professor is expected to:
    1. have a doctorate degree or other terminal degree in his or her discipline or present equivalent training and experience;
    2. show potential or have demonstrated ability as a teacher;
    3. show potential or have demonstrated evidence of research, scholarship, or creative activity;
    4. have demonstrated willingness to participate effectively in professional activities other than teaching and research; and
    5. have demonstrated ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues.
  2. An Associate Professor is expected to:
    1. have a doctorate degree or other terminal degree in his or her discipline or present equivalent training and experience;
    2. have achieved a reputation as an accomplished teacher;
    3. have achieved a good record in research, scholarly, or creative activities;
    4. have an established record of effective participation in professional activities other than teaching and research;
    5. have demonstrated ability to relate appropriately to students and professional
    6. have demonstrated excellence in at least one of the three areas of responsibility (i.e., teaching, service, and research) required for full-time faculty status.
  3. A Professor is expected to:
      1. have a doctorate degree or other terminal degree in his or her discipline or present equivalent training and experience;
      2. have achieved and maintained a reputation as an accomplished teacher;
      3. have achieved and maintained a significant record in research, scholarly or creative activities;
      4. have achieved and maintained a significant record of effective participation in professional activities other than teaching and research;
      5. have demonstrated an ongoing ability to relate appropriately to students and professional colleagues; and
      6. have demonstrated excellence in at least two of the three areas of responsibility (i.e., teaching, service, and research) required for full-time faculty status.
  4. “All But Dissertation” Appointees
    A faculty member who has not completed the terminal degree in his or her discipline (e.g., Ph.D.) but who otherwise meets all of the other criteria for the rank of Assistant Professor may be initially appointed to a tenure-track full-time academic year appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor and noted as “All But Dissertation” or “ABD,” subject to the following conditions:
      • If appointed in August, the faculty member will be required to complete his or her terminal degree on or before July 31 after completing his or her first full academic year (i.e., Fall and Spring semesters) in order to retain the rank of Assistant Professor; or
      • If appointed in January, the faculty member will be required to complete his or her terminal degree on or before July 31 after completing half of his or her first academic year (i.e., the Spring semester) in order to retain the rank of Assistant Professor; or
      • Such conditions as are imposed by the Provost at the time of the faculty member’s initial appointment and set forth in the initial appointment letter.

    The faculty member’s failure to complete his or her terminal degree within the applicable time period set forth in this section constitutes adequate cause for terminating the faculty member’s employment. The tenure probationary period for a faculty member initially appointed under such circumstances is treated in an identical manner as the tenure probationary period for a faculty member initially appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor who already has his or her terminal degree at the time of the appointment.

3.2.2. Classifications of Tenure-Track and Tenured Appointments

Tenure-track and tenured appointments consist of regular full-time academic year appointments and regular full-time twelve-month appointments.

1. Regular Full-Time Academic Year (Nine-Month) Appointment:

Regular full-time academic year appointments involve full-time service during the nine- month academic year (Fall and Spring semesters). One-half of the faculty member’s annual salary is earned for service for the Fall semester and one-half of the faculty member’s annual salary is earned for service for the Spring semester. Regular full- time academic year appointments typically commence in August at the beginning of the Fall semester. The faculty member’s annual salary for the nine-month appointment is prorated and paid over twelve (12) months, as earned, in monthly installments from August to July.

In some cases, regular full-time academic year appointments may begin in January at the beginning of the Spring semester. In such cases, the faculty member may be compensated in one of two ways for the Spring semester of the initial appointment, as agreed upon between the department head and the faculty member:

  • The faculty member’s salary earned for service for the Spring semester (i.e., one- half of the faculty member’s total annual salary) is prorated and paid, as earned, over six (6) months from February to July; or
  • The faculty member’s salary earned for service for the Spring semester (i.e., one- half of the faculty member’s total annual salary) may be prorated and paid, as earned, over seven (7) months from January to July.

2. Regular Full-Time Twelve-Month Appointment

Regular full-time twelve-month appointments involve full-time service for twelve months out of a year commencing on July 1 and ending the following June 30. The faculty member’s total annual salary is paid, as earned, in twelve (12) monthly installments from July to June. Faculty members under regular full-time twelve-month appointments are entitled to vacation and sick leave accruals in accordance with UT Policy HR0305 – Annual Leave (Vacation) and UT Policy HR0380 – Sick Leave.

  1. See Section 3.2.2. below regarding the Classifications of Tenure-Track and Tenured Appointments.


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