

3.7.1. Regular Probationary Year Review

In each year of the tenure-track faculty member’s probationary period in which the faculty member is subject to consideration for reappointment, the department head is responsible for the careful evaluation of the faculty member in determining whether to recommend reappointment of the faculty member for the following year. Departments may elect to require that the departmental RTP Committee perform the initial evaluation and recommendation on reappointment in each year of the faculty member’s probationary period and provide such recommendation to the department head. To the extent a department elects to do so, the department must include such a requirement in its departmental bylaws.[1] Otherwise, the reappointment review process set forth in this Section 3.7.1. shall be followed.

Unless otherwise provided in the department’s bylaws, the department head’s recommendation is the initial recommendation, except for in the mid-probationary review year (i.e., typically, the third year of the probationary period). In the mid-probationary review year, the departmental RTP Committee makes an initial recommendation regarding reappointment as provided under Section 3.7.2. below.

In the event the department head recommends reappointment, the department head shall submit his or her written recommendation to the dean and inform the faculty member in writing of the recommendation. The department head’s recommendation should note positive areas and areas where improvement is needed. If the dean agrees with the department head’s recommendation, the faculty member shall be reappointed and the faculty member shall be notified in writing of the dean’s decision.

In the event the department head makes a recommendation against reappointment, the department head must provide to the faculty member a letter stating the specific reasons for the recommendation against reappointment. The department head must also notify the RTP Committee of the academic department within five (5) days of providing the faculty member with notification of his or her recommendation. The department head should share with the departmental RTP Committee the basis and rationale for the recommendation. The departmental RTP Committee will then provide an additional written evaluation of the faculty member’s record and recommendation. The departmental RTP Committee shall include in its evaluation the number of votes for and against reappointment.

The departmental RTP Committee’s evaluation and recommendation must be provided to the department head within seven (7) days of the departmental RTP Committee’s receipt of notification of the department head’s recommendation. Upon receipt of the departmental RTP’s evaluation, the department head shall submit his or her written recommendation to the dean along with the departmental RTP’s evaluation and recommendation. If the dean does not agree with the recommendation against reappointment and decides to reappoint the faculty member, the faculty member shall be reappointed and the faculty member shall be notified in writing of the dean’s decision. If the dean agrees with the recommendation against reappointment, the dean shall submit his or her recommendation against reappointment to the Provost.

Upon receipt of the dean’s recommendation, the Provost will review the matter and make the final decision whether or not to reappoint the faculty member. The Provost will send a letter to the faculty member notifying the faculty member of the final decision. The Provost will also communicate to the dean, department head, and the departmental RTP Committee (if appropriate) his or her decision and rationale.

The Provost must give notice to a tenure-track faculty member that his or her appointment will not be renewed for the next year pursuant to the schedule and requirements set forth under Section 3.7.4. below.

3.7.2. Mid-Probationary Review of Probationary Faculty (Enhanced Tenure-Track Review)

In a tenure-track faculty member’s mid-probationary review year (i.e., typically, the third year of the probationary period), before the department head makes his or recommendation, the departmental RTP Committee shall conduct a full review and evaluation (i.e., Enhanced Tenure- Track Review or ETTR) of the faculty member’s progress towards tenure as part of the reappointment evaluation undertaken for the faculty member for that year.[2]

The faculty member shall assemble a dossier thoroughly documenting progress toward tenure. The dossier must include artifacts, dated after his or her appointment to UTC, that demonstrate work as a teacher;[3] development as a scholar, researcher, or creator; and participation in service and other professional activities. Prior to the beginning of each academic year, the Provost shall provide a list of recommended materials which may be used for such evidence. The faculty member shall submit his or her dossier to the departmental RTP Committee for its review and evaluation.

The departmental RTP Committee shall provide to the department head a written report that will contain a list of the participating tenured faculty members; suggestions for enhancing the faculty member’s progress toward tenure; the majority and minority report, if applicable; the summary anonymous vote on whether the faculty member is progressing satisfactorily toward the grant of tenure; and a recommendation for or against reappointment. Upon receipt of the departmental RTP Committee’s report, the department head will present and discuss the departmental RTP Committee’s report, as well as his or her own written assessment, and develop a plan to address suggested enhancement from the RTP Committee, with the faculty member. Copies of the ETTR documents will be given to the faculty member. A favorable ETTR does not commit the departmental RTP Committee, the department, or the college to a subsequent recommendation for the grant of tenure.

After meeting with the faculty member, the department head shall submit his or her written recommendation for or against reappointment to the dean along with the departmental RTP Committee’s report and recommendation. The reappointment review for the faculty member’s mid-probationary review year otherwise follows the same process as described under Section 3.7.1. above. An appeal regarding an ETTR may be made under the same procedures applicable to the appeal of an annual performance rating as provided under Section 3.4.7. above.

3.7.3. Roles of the Department Head and RTP Committee in the Reappointment Review Process

The roles of the department head and departmental RTP Committee in the reappointment process for a tenure-track faculty member under a typical six-year probationary period are summarized in the following chart:

Probationary Year Department Head Role RTP Committee Role
1 Establish goals and objectives for annual performance and achieving tenure Providing input on reappointment of faculty is only required in instances where the department head recommends against reappointment*
2 Annual performance evaluation and progress toward tenure Providing input on reappointment of faculty is only required in instances where the department head recommends against reappointment

Mid-Probationary Review Year (ETTR)

Annual performance evaluation and progress toward tenure Provide input on reappointment and evaluation of faculty member’s progress award tenure
4 Annual performance evaluation and progress toward tenure Providing input on reappointment of faculty is only required in instances where the department head recommends against reappointment
5 Annual performance evaluation and progress toward tenure Providing input on reappointment of faculty is only required in instances where the department head recommends against reappointment

Tenure Decision Year

Provide evaluation regarding whether faculty met departmental and University standards for awarding tenure Provide evaluation regarding whether faculty met departmental and University standards for awarding tenure

*As provided under Section 3.7.1. above, a department may elect to require that the departmental RTP Committee provide the initial recommendation on reappointment to the department head in each year of the faculty member’s probationary period.

3.7.4. Notice of Non-Reappointment

Notice that a tenure-track faculty member’s appointment will not be renewed for the next year shall be made in writing by the Provost according to the following schedule:

  1. In the first year of the probationary period, not later than March 1 for an academic year appointment and no less than three months in advance for any other term of appointment;
  2. In the second year of the probationary period, not later than December 15 for an academic year appointment and no less than six months in advance for any other term of appointment; and
  3. In the third and subsequent years of the probationary period, not less than twelve months in advance.

These notice requirements relate only to service in a probationary period with the University. Credit for prior service shall not be considered in determining the required notice. Notice of non- renewal shall be effective upon personal delivery or upon mailing, postage prepaid, to the faculty member’s residential address of record at the University.[4]

  1. A department's adoption of such a requirement in its bylaws will modify the reappointment review process as set forth in this Section 3.7.1. only as to the levels of review and recommendation before the dean's level of review and recommendation.
  2. In the discretion of the department head, the ETTR may be performed in the fourth year of the faculty member's probationary period. A faculty member's ETTR may be performed beyond the fourth year of the probationary period if the faculty member has been granted an extension of their probationary period (with the year to be determined by the department head after consultation with the faculty member and, if applicable, the faculty member's mentor).
  3. In regard to evaluation of librarians, "librarian" should be substituted for the word "teacher".
  4. See Section III.E.4. of UT Policy BT0006.


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