

Faculty members holding tenure-track appointments are considered annually for reappointment. A tenure-track faculty member’s annual reappointment review is separate from his or her annual performance evaluation, but it may be conducted concurrently with the annual performance evaluation.

3.6.1. First Year of Probationary Period

In the Spring semester of the first year of a faculty member’s probationary period, the faculty member must apply for reappointment by submitting to his or her department head the faculty member’s objectives for teaching, scholarship and professional/public/community service for the following year. The department head must approve the faculty member’s objectives. Approved objectives will be used for the evaluation of the faculty member’s performance for the second year of the faculty member’s probationary period.

3.6.2. Subsequent Years of Probationary Period

In each subsequent year of a tenure-track faculty member’s probationary period in which the faculty member applies for reappointment,[1] the faculty member must submit evaluation and reappointment materials to his or her department head for review. The evaluation and reappointment materials that a faculty member must submit are identified on the UTC Academic Affairs website here.

  1. In last year of a faculty member's probationary period (typically, Year 6), a decision regarding tenure for the faculty member is made.


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