

The employment of non-tenure-track faculty is governed by the terms of the appointment letter, applicable provisions of the Faculty Handbook, college and departmental bylaws, and applicable provisions of University policies and procedures. Non-tenure-track faculty members enjoy the same academic freedom as tenured and tenure-track faculty members.

Conditions necessary to perform assigned duties in a professional manner, including such things as appropriate office space, necessary supplies, support services, and equipment will be provided to non- tenure-track faculty members. Departments should have consistent criteria for deciding teaching assignments. Departments should consider the views of non- tenure-track faculty in setting schedules and other issues that impact quality of teaching and working conditions. Opportunities for faculty development, including travel to scholarly meetings, should be provided whenever possible.

Non-tenure-track faculty members may participate in college and/or departmental activities as outlined in college and departmental bylaws. Depending on stipulations of departmental and college bylaws, non- tenure-track faculty members may have the opportunity to participate in departmental, college, and/or university governance, including service on university-wide committees and in other assigned positions. Non-tenure-track faculty members may also serve on graduate committees if the dean, Graduate Council, and Dean of the Graduate School, in consultation with the department head, have evaluated and approved their academic credentials.

The level of representation of non-tenure-track faculty on the Faculty Senate is determined by the Faculty Senate and set forth in the Faculty Senate Bylaws.


University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Faculty Handbook Copyright © 2024 by University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. All Rights Reserved.